Our Ortega Youth Ministry exists to help students love God and know God. We want our students to have a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, be bold in their beliefs, live a transformed life, and share their love and joy found in Jesus with everyone they meet. Join us!

join us


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Sunday mornings, 10-11:30am

Come hang out and enjoy breakfast (donuts, bagels etc), and join us for Bible Study in the Youth Room from 10:00AM-11:30AM.




Sunday Evenings 5:30PM-7PM; September 8, October 13 in Fellowship Hall

Drop off is at 5:30PM, Pick Up is at 7PM. This is a classic Youth Group Night in the Youth Room. Snacks, Fun, Games, Worship and a Message.




Wednesdays 6:45PM – 8:00 PM

Meet us in the Youth Room this month and join us for a game/activity and a short devotional. We will “mix” it up every week with activities like ice cream, dodge ball, basketball etc. 



We have Life Groups specifically geared for our Ortega Youth! Life Groups are a great way to find community and make a big church feel more friendly. Groups simply do life together – laughing, eating, playing games, fellowshipping, supporting each other and growing in all seasons of life. We encourage you to get connected with a Life Group to build new friendships and grow in your journey with Christ.


Life Groups and the Youth Service meet during the school year and during the summer. See the Youth Events Calendar for more details.



Sundays 10:30AM in the Sanctuary

For more information contact the Director of Recreation & Youth Ministries:

Melissa Millican, Melissa@ortegachurch.org


At Ortega Youth, we love our special events and annual retreats! During the school year we attend multiple weekend retreats: Epworth By The Sea, Rock The Universe, Winter Retreat, Middle School Retreat, Confirmation Retreat and Senior’s Weekend at The Farm! In the summer, we spend a week in the woods hiking on the Appalachian Trail, participating in a mission trip where we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus, Youth Week and more!

For more information contact the Director of Recreation & Youth Ministries:

Melissa Millican, Melissa@ortegachurch.org



We are always looking for volunteers! The first order of business is to complete an application available from the Youth Director. All volunteers are required to consent to a background check (and pass!) before working with our students. Second, look at our weekly gatherings and special events calendar and check out the volunteer opportunities available to you.

Sunday School Volunteers:   Do you have a heart for helping students dig into the Word of God and encouraging them to grow in their faith? If so, we need you for our Sunday morning class!

Wednesday Night Volunteers:   Wednesday nights are when our youth come together to have fun and hear a message relevant to what’s going on in their lives. Our adult counselors help in a number of ways, including facilitating small group discussions, games, setting-up/breaking down, serving on our audio/visual team and more!

Life Group Leaders: We need adult leaders for our Youth Life Groups! Life Groups are where our students come together to find community and develop authentic, godly relationships. Students learn to trust, support and pray for one another as they study scripture and discuss their everyday challenges.

Special Events:  We have many special events happening throughout the year, such as the Pumpkin Patch, Trunk or Treat, Easterfest, Vacation Bible School and more! We are always looking for youth and adult helpers at these community events!

For more information contact the Director of Recreation & Youth Ministries:

Melissa Millican, Melissa@ortegachurch.org